Kissed by a camel!

Aimee, 13, of the Tampa Bay Golden Strings Youth Orchestra, serenades "Sir Gus" the Camel and receives a kiss in return

The Tampa Bay Golden Strings Youth Orchestra directed by Maestro Eden Vaning-Rosen, presented a special concert for the Children at the Shriners Hospital in Tampa on Sunday Afternoon. The Orchestra presented Musical Fairy Tales in which the children in the Hospital were invited to participate. Each young student played pieces to portray the characters in the Fairy Tales.

The Youth Orchestra, consisting of talented young musicians from throughout Pinellas County, then presented the Hospital Children with a large stuffed animal to commemorate their visit.

After the concert the students were treated to a "Kiss" by "Sir Gus" the Camel, who has been traveling throughout the country on a national tour as a fund raiser for the Shriners Hospitals.

Students proudly present huge stuffed animal for the children at the Shriners Childrens Hospital

Polka celebrity Eric Reicle, accompanying The Golden Strings at The Shriners Hospital concert, gets an appreciative kiss by Sir Gus